Thank you to all 406 attendees who joined us at TRS Saudi! 


Boris Trupcevic

Boris Trupcevic


Boris Trupčević is a media expert, a long-time CEO, a former General Manager of Styria Group Croatia and  Board member at  International News Media Association. He has a strong product development background, he loves design, innovation, new technologies and all things digital.In his professional journey, Boris was responsible for content, editorial, print/online products, digital operations, technology, sales and marketing. He executed an all-around digital transformation of his former company, while his products, campaigns, innovation initiatives and communication solutions have won more than 100 international awards. Full focus on digital transformation included extensive educational programs, employee training and founding a Data Science / Machine Learning team. Turnarounds and change management has been part of all of his jobs.


Proudly born upon the Stockholm panorama, FOREO was founded in 2013, with the idea of making everyday life better in mind. Since then, it quickly expanded into a progressive beauty-tech business, pushed the boundaries of the industry and created a new niche where beauty and tech met human touch. FOREO is no ordinary beauty company, but a visionary company in the space where beauty, innovation, and tech worlds meet. But, more than anything, it’s a community united under the goal of chasing the finer things in life - in design, beauty, technology, wellbeing, and quality of living. FOREO is a family of over 3000 beautiful people scattered through 80+ countries worldwide, all with the same insatiable desire to discover new angles to meet old challenges and find more intelligent ways of transforming the world, together. In our bustling multicultural environment, women take the lead in the pie chart - 67% of us are female and 33% male. In the US alone, we have 70% female employees, and nearly 50% of hires are minorities. FOREO intends to impact the category of well-being itself, in every way possible, from cosmetics to all possible products in the area of making us humans shinier and happier. The ultimate goal is to help people feel better, to take care of themselves in a holistic, non-invasive way. That is why we can proudly call ourselves the HUMAN brand. FOREO is exploring ways to pump more science into self-care decision-making, to enable personalized cosmetics experiences that shapeshift and adapt to your own genomic needs. A deeper realm of life-quality elevating biotech solutions is still out there to be explored and utilized. That’s what we do. This is why we are here, this is the future we see, and it’s beautiful.